Good afternoon family!
The weeks seem to go by faster in the field. I can´t believe that it is that time again. I love being able to think about the work, the people, their progress at all times of the day. Every day we see miracles in this work. It is amazing. I love it so much.
This week was successful again in the zone. We are getting the people prepared to be baptized. The zone has brought over 60 investigators to church both Sundays so far this month so we are about to see miracles with these people. It is just a matter of time. One more Sunday and these people should be ready for baptism. We have been visiting the areas to meet these people, especially the families, and help support the missionaries` teaching. Every day the Lord gives us new ideas and direction in how to help these missionaries and their investigators progress. I believe so much in revelation. It is the same spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egypt…the same spirit by which he parted the red sea. Great analogy mom…right on.
I can hardly compare myself to Moses but I do not deny the presence of revelation in the work. I would be an ungrateful servant if I didn´t acknowledge his hand in all things. I have learned in the mission that heaven`s powers are much greater than my own. When I call down on them, I say as Moses, ´´Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.´´(Exodus 14:13) It is touching to see that many missionaries are seeing that the Lord is doing great things in their areas. Areas that haven´t had success for months in bringing people to church are bringing new families of 7 or more to church. We stand still and watch as the salvation of the Lord is accepted by those prepared by him.
We have one family right now that is getting prepared for next week for baptism. Antonio and Socorro and their daughters have felt a sincere change come over them. It is amazing to see how they accept the teaching and the commitments so quickly. They are examples of faith. We taught the Word of Wisdom this week. As is customary, I share Grandpa Turner`s story about true commitment of the commandment. We invited them to stop drinking coffee and the Father to not drink ever again wine. When we asked them about their progress yesterday with this commandment, they explained that it would be a gradual process. We inquired further and we asked how much each had drunken yesterday. “None,” they said. Talk about gradual progress! They just dropped it and said that they didn´t really miss it. That is true faith.
We also have another Lady who will be baptized this week who is named Claudia. She has had serious changes come over her. She is so excited in fact to be baptized that she is inviting everyone to come. In the Gospel Principles class yesterday she invited everyone, including people she didn`t know to come this Saturday. She is very faithful. One day she said that she was worried because she had made only 29 pesos after a full day of work. That is equivalent to $1.25. She lives with her 6 year old daughter. So we decided to teach tithing. I love teaching tithing to the poorest people. They have so much faith. She paid tithing this Sunday. What an example of faith and devotion!
I am strengthened daily by the spirit of the Lord. I believe that the Lord has taught me how to live by faith. I no longer worry over what I have no control. I just do my part and the Lord ALWAYS does his part. Like Moses I always try to have this in my mind...Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. I have seen it time and time again.
I love you all. I am so thankful for the family that I have. I know that the Lord will protect you and guide you. His watchful eye is always over us. My prayers are with you. I have a confidence in His power that everything will work out in the end. Tell Joy that I will pray for her. Tell Troy that he is also in my prayers. All of you will be protected. Perhaps, faith isn´t truly discovered until it is tried.
Elder Russell