A week of uplifted spirits!
I have peaked over a time in my mission. I am now feeling more able to cope with the day to day struggles without complaining and I find myself with more patience than before, at least until it is tried ha ha.
It has been quite the week with the investigators this week. We were fighting like crazy to baptize this week and well I think our efforts with prove to be worthwhile in the future. We have two investigators that are nearing their baptisms but they have quite the circumstance. I told the mission president that I felt like a psychologist this week working with the couples. Both of our possibilities have to get married before baptism and so we began the convincing process. Sometimes we aren´t so convincing... But I had some great spiritual experiences as the spirit taught me how to teach the investigators.
Jose has lived with his girlfriend for about 4 years now. He has a 2 year old and a little one on the way. He is really excited about baptism and wants to do it soon but she isn´t so sure about the marriage commitment having fought with him only a few weeks ago. At one point we talked about how sin doesn´t only affect us but how it affects our Savior Jesus Christ in that adds to His suffering in the Garden. I related to her the experience of how upon finding the adulterous woman, Christ said that he without sin could cast the first stone. I then ironically applied the experience putting us as the person about to throw the stone. Instead of a sinless person throwing the stone at a sinner, we (being the sinners) throw stones at Christ, He being the only sinless man to ever live. It is painful to me to think about how for years a couple can commit something so painful for the Savior. It is because of that He shed from every pore for us. I placed a rock in her hands and told her to do what she wanted with it.
This week I found that it was a good learning week with my companion. He has been struggling with the mission thinking about home and everything. He at times has expressed desires to return home but I am determined to convince him to stay. Having mental problems and being a recent convert give him quite the challenge to overcome. But the Lord with help him.
Thanks for your support and prayers. The work is great and marvelous. It truly is the work of the Lord and I can see His hand working miracles.
Elder Grant Russell