Buenas from Nicaragua
Wow! Well it seems like Medford had an exciting week…sheesh! I am glad that everyone was protected and that no one was hurt in the fire. The pictures were cool too mom! Thanks for sending them.
So everything is good at home. That is really a relief. I realize every day more and more how blessed we are in the United States to have such comforts. The people here mainly worry about food for the next day here in Nicaragua, so it puts everything in perspective. Everything is different for me now.
This week has been a great one! As you will be able to tell from the pictures, we were able to baptize again this week. The Sanchez family accepted fully the góspel and each member is being blessed for the faithfulness of the parents and eldest daughter. I really have enjoyed teaching this family. They come from humble circumstances. He doesn't have a job and hasn't had one for some time. The mother cares daily for 6 children under the age of 9 and many times she does it solo while he goes out in search for work. It is very humbling. When we began teaching the family, they accepted the message with such faith. They loved the way that we took everything so seriously. As the time progressed we learned that they would lose their home as well due to the fact that the owners mother was going to return. Homeless, jobless, but with faith to move mountains this family was baptized and I was able to witness it all. They have a room with the grandma so everything will be alright but it will still be hard. The father received the priesthood yesterday and it was so nice.
The other part of the story isn't so well known…how the family first came to meet a member. I have told you many times about Brother Robles, the recent convert four months that has the God given desire to share the góspel to the ends of the earth. He walks around with his Book of Mormon until someone asks him about it. Because of his diligence and faith, already some 6 or 7 people have been baptized. Imagine that! A recent convert has done so much. He was sitting in the Mayors office one afternoon when he began to read the Book of Mormon and Zaineyda Banega, of the Sanchez family, asked about the book. He gave his 5 minute introduction to the church with his testimony and invited her to visit with the missionaries. She accepted the invitation and we visited with her a few days later. Brother Robles was present at the baptism Saturday and such joy showed upon his countenance that day. It was the joy and love that God promises to those who labor all of their days and bring save it be one soul unto him. But he has helped more than just one soul…
I frequently forget in the daily scramble how blessed I really am as a missionary. I have so many experiences every day that I sometimes even forget them. I am trying to repent and be more grateful for what I have always. I just finished writing a letter to my friend who is serving in Washington and I realize that we have the great privilege of baptizing in Nicaragua. Many don't have such blessings.
If there were two things I could ask right now of all of you, they are that you remember always with gratitude the goodness of the Lord in your lives. God gives us so much. He gave us His son. He gives us houses, families, food, comforts, etc. If he is disappointed with us, it is because we are ungrateful. The other thing I would ask is that you share the góspel as members with testimonies to everyone around you. Maybe not everyone is comfortable carrying a Book of Mormon round everywhere. The USA is different than Nicaragua. But there are many things that we can do to invite our families, neighbors, and friends to enjoy the blessings that we receive every day. Open your mouth. Talk about the church. Bear your testimony. Pray for missionary opportunities and then open your eyes so that you see them when they come.
I know that this is the true church of Christ and that He loves us. I know that he leads this church through a living prophet and I look forward to hearing His words and the words of the apostles this weekend. May God always bless you. Listen this weekend and you will hear the words of God.
Elder Grant Russell