So my first photo was sent now, I think. I will try and send a few more if I have time. I will just have a short letter today!
Feet fine. Shoes work great! No problems. Next question.
Haven't been burned yet! Sunscreen (the baby power stuff is the only thing I use and only on the face. My arms are kind of tanning)
No hats.
I stand out, but it is an advantage because I can get people to look at me and once that Game, set, match (baptism ha ha). My complexion seems to be doing better if you believe it?
Ticuantepe is much cooler. I really live in the Borgona right next door. It is still kind of hot but cooler than Managua. I don't really know what temperature it is. I figure it is better not to know.
Only shop for the essentials, next!
The people are very humble and receptive to the gospel. But they are also very religious and set in their ways too. They are smaller in build and I have even been called tall several times.
I am adjusting yes. I have had a few problems but they have all work out! Lots of beans and rice. In the new house, the lady is cooking a few American meals here and there.
The work is still going forward. We are trying to contact a lot and use the recent converts and less actives to get references. The ward is really good, but it is just so big we are still adjusting. We have about 4 new investigators with baptism dates and we are teaching a bunch more. Hopefully, we will be able to start baptizing this next week.
So something I am working on this week has been trying to be more outgoing and fearless in sharing the gospel. Many people have noted my reservation at times and have labeled me as a newbie because of it. I want to be just as outgoing and effective as other missionaries so I am trying to improve in this area. I don't want people to know I am new.
I have really started to trust the Lord to help me reach my goals. I have to put forth my effort and do what He wants, but he pulls through to help me. I am so grateful to serve here in Nicaragua. I am learning every day more why I am here. My love for the people and for the mission is growing as well.
Cultural Differences
So people burn just about anything...just about anywhere. I think I have inhaled some potentially cancerous substances (just kidding).
I don't know if I mentioned the carts in the last email...not enough could be said about them.
I ate coconut for the first time...the real way. There are so many fruits here.
I know this church is true and that this is the Lord{s work. I love hearing about the family and it sounds like everything is going well. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts and I can testify that I feel them across the miles. Don't forget to preach the gospel. It is really what we are here to do. Thanks for the pictures Joy and I will write you next week. Continue to send my letters on to the friends and family and tell them all that I love them! Que les vaya bien
Elder Russell